Illogical Immigration Policies

Recently, two States have made international news for their anti-immigration stance. Yes, Texas and Florida, I’m talking about you.

When you consider the very positive impact that immigrants and immigration have had on the United States and more specifically, Texas and Florida, it makes you wonder why these States would engage in actions that clearly show disdain, if not outright hatred for immigrants.

Let’s look at each State’s immigrant population and what they contribute:

Numerous studies have concluded what the data above show: beyond bringing a wealth of cultural knowledge to our country, immigrants boost the economy, promote innovation through their entrepreneurial spirit, and improve productivity by being active members of the workforce. All of this in turn, increases revenues throughout our nation.

Given the significant community, employment and societal value that immigrants (documented and undocumented) provide to the States of Florida and Texas, it is irrational for these States to engage in such anti-immigrant actions.


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August 2023 Visa Bulletin - Retrogression Nightmare